Solving a scientific mystery essential to conservation:
Where do whales go in winter?
Whales and sperm whales have been the subject of sustained studies for a long time. Knowledge levels on these two species are high in some respects, but there is still a huge gap: where do these giants go and what do they do in winter?
In general, whale and sperm whale research campaigns focus on the summer period, when whales are in the Ligurian Sea and weather conditions allow cetaceans to be monitored. We know, for example, that whales migrate North-South to the Ligurian Sea in summer. But 9 months of the life of large cetaceans are still completely beyond our knowledge.
"Limitations of available methods" :
For the detection and monitoring of large cetaceans, boats of a certain size are generally used, which allow work on the high seas with limited autonomy. This system is disproportionately expensive, inevitably intrusive and entirely dependent on weather conditions.

A team of scientists at the forefront of their fields
Three world-renowned cetacean experts, pioneers in the study of fin whales and sperm whales, joined forces to conceptualize a study plan that avoids the obstacles encountered by their predecessors.
Dr Luke Rendell, University of Saint Andrews (UK)
Dr Manuel Castellote, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA, USA)
Dr Jose Maria Brotons, Scientific Director of the Tursiops Association (Spain)
The idea seemed obvious to them to replace surface research with acoustic observation.
The acoustic behaviour of these large marine mammals allows them to be studied with precision, using autonomous recording instruments that are permanently immersed. In addition, they allow the identification and evaluation of the size of individuals in particular.
These acoustic signals can be detected by hydrophones and captured via passive acoustic sampling.
Six hydrophones will be deployed at depth around the Balearic Islands, through which the sounds emitted will be recorded for 2 years. The Balearic Islands are a strategic location because they are located in a transit area for fin whales and sperm whales.

An international scientific impact
The results obtained will have a remarkable impact on the scientific community, as they will be published in at least four prestigious scientific journals, such as Marine Mammal Science, Marine Ecology Progress Series, Biological Conservation, Aquatic Conservation, Endangered Species Research, where members of the scientific team responsible for the project have already published.
In addition, the results will be presented at international scientific gatherings, such as the European Cetacean Society-ECS and the Society for Marine Mammalogy congresses.
Furthermore, we will provide data to national and international institutions in charge of the conservation of Mediterranean cetaceans.
The EAR Project will have a highly significant and lasting impact on the knowledge and conservation of Mediterranean marine mammals.