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Support the SCS activities:
By choosing a project you care about, by participating as an eco-volunteer in one of our scientific expeditions, by purchasing one of our items, or by simply making a donation.
Thank you for your support and trust!
SCS Membership and Donations
Membership and donations :
Ligurian Sea Expedition
Scientific expeditions in the Ligurian Sea
Eco-volunteering at sea for the collection of scientific data
Please check the availability of the Ligurian Expedition
Eco-volontariat en mer pour la collecte de données scientifiques
Merci de vérifier la disponibilité Expédition Ligure
Mangrove -Bali
Projet Mangrove, Bali
Monk Seal Project
Monk Seal Project
Green Turtle Project
Green Turtle Project
Turtle - Bali Project
Turtle - Bali
Vaquita Project
Vaquita Project
Boutique items
Boutique items
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