The Swiss Cetacean Society-SCS is a non-profit organisation devoted to the preservation of marine mammals in their natural habitat. We hold the conviction that better scientific knowledge of the animals and their environment is essential to ensure efficient protection measures.
With this aim in mind, SCS distributes general information about marine mammals to the Swiss public, encourages access to specialised training and organizes the logistics at sea of scientific and environmental programmes abroad.
Over the years, SCS has acquired a solid experience in the logistics required for scientific research for the protection of marine mammals.


The Swiss Cetacean Society-SCS organises worldwide campaigns at sea for data collection on cetacean populations. These scientific programmes are co-financed by the Swiss public. The collected data are then transmitted to corporate scientists who ensure their treatment and usage. This SCS activity mobilises research platforms and teams of volunteers supervised by trained naturalists.
Since 1997, SCS has carried out over 1'500 days of data collection in the Mediterranean Sea, and helped to identify and observe tens of thousands of cetaceans belonging to 8 species. In total, more than 1'400 volunteers, divided into over 260 teams, provided offshore work for the benefit of the International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea (CIESM) and of many European research organizations involved in the Mediterranean sea, such as EcoOcean Institute, OceanEye, Tethys Research Institute or Tursiops Marine Research in the Balearic Islands. The purpose of these different scientific programmes is to study the whale and dolphin populations of the Ligurian Sea and of the Balearic Islands, in order to improve their protection via concrete measures.
Similarly, SCS has participated as a logistics partner of CNRS in a broad international and interdisciplinary study of the Mediterranean Fin whale (the second largest whale in the world), involving a large number of researchers from various disciplines (oceanographers, ecologists, geneticists, biochemists, etc.). During this project, SCS closely worked with the Laboratory of Ecotoxicology at EPFL (Prof. Dr. Ing. J. Tarradellas) for the analysis of micropollutants.
In Greece, and soon in Mauritania, the SCS contributes to the preservation of the last monk seals (Monachus monachus).
Overseas, SCS has been contributing (financially and by sending volunteers) to an environmental research project on Risso’s dolphins in the Azores (Dr José Azevedo from the Risso’s Dolphin Research Center), as well as to another study on the interaction between Spotted dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins in the Bahamas (Dr Kathleen Dudsinski & Kelly Melillo from the Dolphin Communication Project). The SCS also supported (financially and by sending volunteers) an environmental research project on Gray whales in the Canadian Pacific (Dr David Duffus, University of Victoria-Vancouver) and helped slow the extinction of the California porpoise (Vaquita) in Mexico (ProNatura Mexico).
Currently, SCS is carrying out a project to protect green turtles in the Indian Ocean (Ulanga Ngazidja, Comoros Islands) and is implementing an eco-labelling program in order to regulate whale/dolphin-watching in India (Terra Conscious, Goa).
The Swiss Cetacean Society-SCS has thus become one of the leading providers of cetacean data in the north-western Mediterranean Sea. SCS is a recognised partner of the Monaco environmental institutions (CIESM, ACCOBAMS, RAMOGE). In addition, SCS is a Member of IUCN, an ACCOBAMS' Partner, a partner of Tethys Research Institute, a member of the World Cetacean Alliance (WCA), a partner of Longitude 181 Nature and has been named Champion of the Earth (by Earth Champions Foundation).
The educational commitment is of great importance in the local activities of the Swiss Cetacean Society. For example, SCS trains naturalist ecoguides as well as organizes training courses in cetology. Lectures to school students and the general public are held regularly, as well as exhibitions in museums. SCS's Junior Club set up various educational material and activities for kids and teenagers, namely the popular marine ecology sea camps Ateliers Mer.

In Switzerland, SCS aims to promote a better understanding of cetaceans and of their environment, as well as to raise the public awareness of the fragility of the marine ecosystem.
Today in Switzerland, SCS is one of the main sources of information on cetaceans and is a specialized information center serving the public, students, travelers and the media.
SCS makes it a point of honor to supply only certified information. Only a very strict information policy can enable the public to understand the real issues of marine mammal conservation.

The Swiss Cetacean Society has an official state-approved status (charity), according to the Law on cantonal direct taxes of 4 July 2000, and therefore is tax-exempted.
You can support SCS activities for the protection of marine mammals
by becoming a member (CHF 60.00/year)
or by sending a donation to:
Swiss Cetacean Society - SCS
P.O. Box 1430
CH-1001 Lausanne / Switzerland
CCP 17-180194-1
IBAN CH78 0900 0000 0000 1718 0194 1
on our online-shop
As a member, the Swiss Cetacean Society-SCS or Swiss Society for the Study and Protection of Cetaceans offers you:
* CYBERLETTER (monthly electronic newsletter)
as well as a team of specialists who are always available to answer all your questions.